Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Philippines 2014

State of the Art Pulmonology convergence of practice

6-7 August 2014 Quezon City

This ESAP was held with great success in Quezon City, Philippines. It was chaired by Dr Lenora Fernandez and Dr Ma.Janeth Samson. The PCCP (Philippine College of Chest Physicians) was active in the organization of scientific programme.

Dr Kazuhiza Takahashi represented the APSR in the programme and delivered his speech in the plenary session on Advances of Lung Cancer Treatment. Dr Teresita de Guia represented the APSR Executive Committee and officiated the opening of ESAP. The ESAP was well attended with 670 delegates including physicians as well as fellows in-training. The programme concluded with a Fellowship Night with much fun, music and dancing, and a band performance.

The ESAP ran alongside the PCCP’s midyear convention, and the full version of the extensive programme can be seen here and a summary here.

Below are a few of the many photos taken at the event.

The representative from the APSR Executive Committee, Dr Teresita de Guia, who is also the incumbent APSR Treasurer, delivers the welcome address on behalf of the APSR leadership at the Opening Ceremony.
This is followed by the Keynote Lecture.

Dr T de Guia, addresses the foreign faculty and members of the Organizing Committee at the Welcome Dinner held on 5 August 2014.

Sponsor awards

Dr Kazuhisa Takahashi from the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University, Japan, was invited as one of the plenary speakers. Here he talks about the latest updates on Advances of Lung Cancer Treatment.

Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, Dr Edmund Villaroman from St. Luke’s Medical Center, performs skills on inserting airway stents.

Dr Christopher Cortes, the main facilitator for Thermal and Electrical procedures, demonstrates some electrical procedures in the airways. Each participant performs electrocautery and argon plasma on a mounted trachea and pig lung.

Dr Joven Roque Gonong and Dr Manuel Silos guides participants through different maneuvers for TBNA with a lung model.

Facilitators Dr Julius Caesar Dalupang and Dr Aven-Kerr Ubalde, instruct in the skills for doing endobronchial ultrasound evaluation of the airways and participant goes through performing endobronchial ultrasound guided biopsy.

Mr. Jason Koh, from Pulmonix Singapore, operates on inserting endobronchial valves on different lung segments and participant goes through performing EB valve placement. Station on Endobronchial Valves was headed by the main facilitator, Dr Janeth Samson.

Main facilitator Dr Pyng Lee from the Singapore National University Hospital, explains the indications for medical pleuroscopy as opposed to video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Each participant goes through performing pleuroscopy using euthanized goat.

Speakers in the session on Regional Issues in TB Control, Dr Tauhidul Islam (Bangladesh) and Dr Nobuyuki Nishikiori (Japan) from ‘Stop TB’ and ‘Leprosy Elimination’, Division of Combating Communicable Diseases, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, receive certificates and tokens of recognition from the session chairman and moderator. The PCCP is grateful for the support of the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office to the scientific programme of this ESAP.

Session on Emerging Critical Issues in Asthma faculty, Dr Manuel Jorge (Philippines), Dr Ricardo Zotomayor (Philippines)and Dr Pyng Lee (Singapore) with session chairman and moderator

Dr Windfield Tan (session chairman) and Dr Teresita de Guia (APSR Treasurer) present to Dr Kazuhisa Takahashi a certificate and a ‘Mother and Child’ porcelain plate by Vicente Manansala, in recognition of his role as speaker in the plenary session on Advances of Lung Cancer Treatment

Invited speaker, Dr Pyng Lee from the National University Hospital of Singapore, with convention chairpersons, Dr Lenora Fernandez, Dr Janeth Samson and members of the organizing committee at the Fellowship Night