29th APSR Congress

Tobacco Control Section
New Section launched under the APSR Environmental & Occupational Health and Epidemiology Assembly
Inaugural Section Leader: Dr Henry Marshall

APSR webinars
- 1st Grand Rounds – Clinical problems in respiratory & critical care medicine
- 2nd Grand Rounds – Clinical problems in respiratory & critical care medicine
- 3rd Grand Rounds – Continuing conundrums in Covid-19
- New practices and impacts of rapid multiplex PCR testing in diagnosis and infection control of lower respiratory infections
Respirology Case Reports
receives its first impact factor
New president appointed
Chul Gyu Yoo

APSR webinars
- Respiratory Infections in the COVID-19 Era
- Revamping Pneumonia Diagnosis and Antimicrobial Stewardship with Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
- Respiratory infections beyond COVID-19
APSR symposium at NAPCON
on COVID-19
Multi-Country Research Project * starts
on Pulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) disease
(* Name changed in 2022 to “Multi-Society Research Project”)
New membership categories launched
Associate membership
For trainees or fellows in training for postgraduate degrees in medicine, nursing and related science.
Undergraduate student membership
For full-time students of medical, nursing and related science degrees.
New assembly sections launched
Clinical Allied Health Section
under the Clinical Respiratory Medicine Assembly
E-Health Section
under the Clinical Respiratory Medicine Assembly
Bronchiectasis Section
under the Respiratory Infections (non-tuberculous) Assembly
ISR-APSR Joint Symposium – Indonesia
Chronic and Critical Respiratory Disease: Double Respiratory Challenge for Pulmonologists
PCCP-APSR Joint Symposium – Philippines
State of the art pulmonology – Disease updates and Philippine response
APSR symposium at NAPCON 2020
APSR webinars
- APSR webinar – Covid-19 Educational Webinar
- APSR webinar – Covid-19 Vaccine in Adolescents: Myth and Fact
- APSR Assembly Educational Webinar – Navigating Small airways dysfunction in asthma and COPD
- APSR Assembly Educational Webinar – How better to treat the peripheral airways
- APSR webinar – Navigating the evidence for extrafine triple formulation in COPD
- APSR Assembly Educational Webinar – Navigating the real life data with extra-fine formulations
Respirology Impact Factor
Increased to 6.424
Distinguished Service Award
Award inaugurated
New president appointed
David Chi Leung Lam

New APSR Executive Manager
Ms Suga Konno
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupts several conferences, events, World Days, etc., throughout the year, including the 25th Congress of the APSR, postponed to 2021.
A COVID-19 Taskforce was formed and webinars held to exchange opinions and experiences of physicians in the Asia-Pacfic area.

APSR / PCCP Young Investigator Award launched
for an abstract at the APSR Congress from a member of the Philippine College of Chest Physicians, sponsored by Dr Kuwn Fong, available annually until 2023
PCCP-APSR Joint Symposium
APSR / Hong Kong Young Investigator Award
Award launched for a HKTS or HKLF Young Investigator, jointly sponsored by the APSR and sponsored by Dr Kuwn Fong, available annually until 2021
APSR / KATRD Young Investigator Award
Award launched for a KATRD Young Investigator, jointly sponsored by the APSR and sponsored by Dr Kuwn Fong, available annually until 2028
APSR / VNRS Young Investigator Award
Award launched for a VNRS Young Investigator, jointly sponsored by the APSR and sponsored by Dr Kuwn Fong, available annually until 2026
APSR / Woolcock Vietnam Young Investigator Award
Award launched jointly sponsored by the APSR and Dr Guy Marks, available annually until 2028
APSR website renewal
Wider screen format introduced

Assembly Virtual Meeting
Respiratory Infections (Non-Tuberculous) Assembly Symposium: “Achieving Better Diagnoses and Outcomes for Patients with Respiratory Infections, With or Without a Pandemic”
Assembly Virtual Meeting
Respiratory Structure and Function Assembly Symposium: “Exploring The Small Airway Disease”
Assembly Virtual Meeting
Asthma Assembly Symposium: “Asthma Paradoxes”
MTS-APSR Joint Symposium
TSPCCM-APSR Joint Symposium
Asia-Pacific area health map
Health data added for countries in the Asia-Pacific region

New president appointed
Yoichi Nakanishi

Assembly Education Young Investigator Award launched
annual award for six to nine awardees for each assembly
APSR / KF-CB Young Investigator Award launched
for a paper presented at the APSR Congress on Lung Cancer, jointly sponsored by the Prof Chunxue Bai and Prof Kwun Fong
APSR / J Patrick Barron Medical Education Young Investigator Award
Award launched, available annually until 2036
APSR Young Investigator Travel Award
Respirology Case Reports Poster Award
Award launched, annual award jointly sponsored by the APSR Congress and Wiley
Impact Factor now 4.407
2017 Impact Factor released Respirology now ranked 10th of the 59 top respiratory journals.

APSR / Geoffrey Bush Award launched
Special award for 2018 only, for a paper presented at the APSR Congress on paediatric lung disease, jointly sponsored by the APSR and Prof Geoffrey Bush.
APSR / KYF Award launched
for a paper presented at the APSR Congress on Geriatric Respirology, jointly sponsored by the APSR and Prof Yoshinosuke Fukuchi
APSR / Malcolm Winterburn Award launched
for a paper presented at the APSR Congress on Lung Cancer, jointly sponsored by the APSR and Prof Malcolm Winterburn
APTA Young Investigator Award
CPA joins the APSR en bloc
Cambodian Pulmonology Association

Respirology: New Co-Editors in Chief
Philip Bardin and Paul Reynolds
Timeline launched
Recognising the need to record milestones of the Society’s growth, significant events are recorded in this APSR Timeline.
(Other events not directly contributing to the Society’s growth are also recorded for posterity)

STS joins the APSR en bloc
Singapore Thoracic Society

Peter Sly Award launched
for the Best Paediatric Paper in Respirology

Norbert Berend Award launched
for the Best COPD Paper in Respirology

Paul Zimmerman Award launched
for the Best Physiology Paper in Respirology

APSR / JRS Young Investigator Award
L.A.V.A: Learning Advances, Views and Analyses in Lung Disease
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Legazpi City, Philippines

First APSR-ISRD Session at ATS International Conference
San Francisco
Respirology Case Reports
Interim Editor in chief: Paul Reynolds followed by
New Editor in Chief: Dr Christopher Lai Increases publication to 6 issues per year.
Apps created
on Android
on iOS -
Respirology Case Reports
on Android<
on iOS

Members’ Honour Roll established

Industry Taskforce established
To secure a stable source of funding for research projects, free from bias, with strict observance of the APSR’s Conflict of Interest policy.

New president appointed
Kwun Fong

APSR Faculty Award at JRS Annual Meeting
APSR-ISRD Joint Session at the ATS International Meeting
ERS Handbook Award
Special award for 2016 only
Second APSR Session at ATS International Conference
First APSR Session at ERS Congress
Respirology’s 20th anniversay
Printed copies cease, future issues online only
New cover design

APSR Assembly “Troika” Structure established
consisting of a Head, a Head-Elect and a Deputy Head for each of the 16 assemblies
Teaching Library
Teaching Library launched with invitation to add cases for self-study.
Dr Kwun Fong adds first: Lung cancer – mediastinal staging.

APSR website renewal
New responsive design to accomodate smartphones and mobile devices

New membership cards

Presented to Fellows of the APSR (FAPSR)

Presented to People who have made a donation to the APSR

Presented to members who join the APSR individually (i.e. not en bloc).
KTS joins the APSR en bloc
Kyrgyz Thoracic Society

APSR / IASLC Book Prizes
Special awards for 2015 only
State of the Art Pulmonology: convergence of practice
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Quezon City, Philippines

Respirology Case Reports listed in PubMed

Lung cancer
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Bali, Indonesia
Asthma in Children: Personalized treatment and update of GINA 2014
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
New president appointed
Michiaki Mishima

Research Protocol Development in Respirology
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Presidential Commendation to Professor J Patrick Barron
Presented at the Congress in Yokohama

Interstitial Lung Disease: Progress in Diagnosis and Management of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Respirology and Respirology Case Reports Twitter
Account launched

TSANZ Young Investigator wins award to attend the APSR Congress
17th APSR Congress
Hong Kong
Congress president: David Hui

ERS honorary membership
Yoshinosuke Fukuchi and Norbert Berend awarded honourary membership to the European Respiratory Society.

Y Fukuchi

N Berend
Fellow of the APSR (FAPSR) established

New president appointed
Arth Nana

16th APSR Congress
Congress president: Chunxue Bai

Respirology; New Editor in Chief
Peter R Eastwood
15th APSR Congress
Congress president: Teresita de Guia

Year of the Lung (YOTL)
YOTL 2010, Chair: Norbert Berend

Fukuchi Award launched
for the Best Original Paper in Respirology, sponsored by Prof Yoshinosuke Fukuchi

Membership Committee formed
Chair: Paul Reynolds
New president appointed
Mary Sau-Man Ip

14th APSR Congress
Congress president:Young Soo Shim

New APSR Executive Manager
Mr Yasutomi Yamanaka
Respirology: New Editor in Chief
Yun Chor Gary Lee
APSR Roadshow Programme
Bulletin launched
First issue (4 pages) this monthly Bulletin, distributed to all members in PDF or email format.

Respiratory Updates launched
Volume 1, issue 1 published, replacing Respiratory Research Review

13th APSR Congress
Congress president: Arth Nana

Tuberculosis in the Asia-Pacific Region in the 21st Century
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Hong Kong

New APSR membership dues structure
For individual and en bloc membership
New Council structure
to match the growing number of members and member societies
APSR Medal starts

APSR Short-Term Research / Training Fellowship starts
Later renamed APSR Short-Term Research / Training Scholarship, to avoid confusion with APSR Fellowship (FAPSR)
Respirology increases publication to 7 issues per year
New president appointed
Young Soo Shim

12th APSR Congress
Gold Coast
Congress president: Christine Jenkins

Donation: One and half million yen to APSR
by Dr Fukuchi’s sister and brother-in-law, Dr Y Aihara
Avian / emerging flu – from basic biology to pandemic planning
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Gold Coast, Australia
Respirology back issues
All back issues available online
11th APSR Congress
Congress president: Yoshinosuke Fukuchi

Interventional Pulmonology Course on Bronchoalveolar Lavage & Medical Thoracoscopy
Educational Seminar of the APSR
Jakarta, Indonesia
Respirology increases publication to 6 issues per year
APSR website
APSR Secreariat Office takes over website maintenance and development (from the publishers). The website comprised 13 pages only.

New president appointed
Norbert Berend

10th APSR Congress
Congress president: Nan-Shan Zhong

APTA becomes an NPO
Non Profit Organization (NPO) status approved
APSR Assemblies launched
First Assembly meetings held at APSR 2005 Congress, Guanzhou
Respirology receives its first impact factor
Number of issues published increases from 4 to 5 issues per year
9th APSR Congress
Hong Kong
Congress president: Wah-Kit Lam

New president appointed
Yoshinosuke Fukuchi

8th APSR Congress
Kuala Lumpur
Congress president: Chong-Kin Liam

Harasawa and Woolcock Memorial Lectures established
Presentations at APSR congresses in honour of our two late past presidents Professor Michiyoshi Harasawa and Professor Anne J Woolcock, two giants in respirology who had contributed so much.

M Harasawa & A J Woolcock
The first Woolcock Research Award

presented to Dr Masayuki Ando
First APSR Award for Research on Asthma
APSR Award for Research on Asthma in the Asia-Pacific region
SARS epidemic
Regional outbreak of SARS (March to June) forced postponement of congress from 17-20 July to 1-4 December
(Forum of International Respiratory Societies)
First APSR Education Series
7th APSR Congress
Congress president: Kwen-Tay Luh

APSR booth at ATS International Conference
APSR Education Committee established
to plan, promote and coordinate APSR educational activities
New president appointed
Wah-Kit Lam

Editorial Office moves from Tokyo to Perth
6th APSR Workshop
APSR booth at ERS Annual Congress
APSR website launched
Registered “apsresp.org”, being abbreviated portmanteau of “APSR”, “respirology” and “organisation”.
Webpages maintained by the publishing company of Respirology
5th APSR Congress
Congress president: J Paul Seale

New APSR Executive Manager
Mrs Hideko Sato Cochrane

3rd APSR Workshop at the JRS Congress
38th Annual Congress of the Japanese Respiratory Society
New president appointed
Ann J Woolcock

2nd APSR Workshop at 37th Congress of the Japan Society of Chest Dieseases (JSCD)
Asthma Guidelines Workshop

Respirology recognized by US National Library
Selected for indexing and inclusion in Index Medicus and MEDLINE from Volume 1
4th APSR Congress
Congress president: Wei-Ci Luo

APSR Workshop
An APSR educational activity at the 36th congress of the Japanese Society of Chest Disease (JSCD), April 1996

Respirology inaugural issue
- Editor in Chief: Shiro Kira
- Associate Editors: Norbert Berend, Yoshinosuke Fukuchi, Paul J Seale

APSR Secretariat Office renovation
Yoshikawa Bldg, No.2,
2nd Floor 2-9-8 Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113
International Respiratory Epidemiology course
An APSR educational activity in Malaysia, jointly organized by the APSR, IUATLD, MTS and Institute of Respiratory Medicine Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Kuala Lumpur
New president appointed
Wei-Ci Luo

Pulmonary function symposium
An APSR educational activity held in conjunction with the 14th Annual Chest Convention in Manila, Philippines
3rd APSR Congress
Congress president: Wan-Cheng Tan

New president appointed
Wan-Cheng Tan

2nd APSR Congress
Congress president: Hood Alsagaff

First APSR Congress

Congress president: Michiyoshi Harasawa

First APSR Travel Awards
First APSR Travel Awards, available to speakers at the 1988 Congress
First APSR Charter and Bylaws

APSR founded
To promote advances in knowledge of the respiratory system in health and disease.
To promote
the exchange of knowledge among respirologist in the Asia-Pacific region.
First president of the APSR
Michiyoshi Harasawa