MembersMembership benefits and rights

APSR Membership benefits and rights

The following benefits and rights are available to members, whether they pay their dues to the APSR directly, or who are members of a respiratory society which has en bloc membership of the APSR.


As a member of the APSR you are entitled to various discounts, including publication fees for cases in Respirology Case Reports, various meeting registration fees, membership dues when joining certain other major respiratory societies, etc.

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
APSR membership dues discount for ATS and ERS members Yes No No
Registration fees for APSR congresses and other meetings

Registration fees are set by the respiratory society hosting the event. They usually offer a discount for all member categories, with special rates for students.

In many cases, the discount more than covers the annual membership dues!

Discount on publication fees for cases in Respirology Case Reports Yes Yes No

Scholarships and awards

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
May apply for Scholarships Yes Yes Yes
May apply for Awards Yes Yes Yes


As a member of the APSR you are entitled to apply for membership of clinical assemblies which identify their professional expertise and research interests. Assemblies are networking platforms for members with common interests to stay coherent. (See Assemblies).

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
May apply to join APSR’s scientific and clinical Assemblies Up to three Up to three Up to three
May be nominated to become Assembly Head / Deputy Head Yes No No
May vote in an Assembly Yes No No
May join Assembly special interest Sections Up to two Up to two Up to two
May be nominated to become Section Leader Yes Yes No
May vote in a Section Yes Yes No

Publications and journals

Respirology and Respirology Case Reports

As a member of the APSR you will receive the Society’s official journal Respirology and Respirology Case Reports. These are an international, peer-reviewed journal containing Original Articles, Editorials, Reviews, Technical Notes, Letters to the Editor, etc.
APSR members receive free online access to Respirology and Respirology Case Reports on Wiley Online Library. (Please email Customer Services: if you require assistance in setting up your username and password.)

Respiratory Updates

This brings you some of the most important scientific research from around the world. Every month around 10,000 scientific publications are printed worldwide. Many contain a few papers on respiratory medicine and several others are devoted entirely to respiratory research. In short, keeping up is hard and requires significant devoted time to screening out what is irrelevant to your practice. In essence, Respiratory Updates will save you time. Each month the ten most important published studies in respiratory medicine are identified and a summary provided, together with a commentary on why the studies are important and how then can affect practice.


The Society’s Newsletter is published biannually and contains important news of the Society, reports from the members’ societies and information on upcoming events.


Members also receive the Society’s Bulletin, emailed to all members at the beginning of the month.

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
Unrestricted access to current and back copies of
Respirology Case Reports
Respiratory Updates
APSR Bulletin
APSR Newsletter
Yes Yes Yes

Teaching Library

Teaching Library enables APSR members to pass on their knowledge and experience for the benefit of other APSR members. APSR members can add cases to the Library.

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
Full access Yes Yes Yes

Fellow of the APSR(FAPSR)

The FAPSR is a special distinction available exclusively to current APSR members who meet certain requirements.

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
Can apply Yes No No

APSR Members’ Honour Roll

The APSR Members’ Honour Roll is a special opportunity for members to publicly show their appreciation to their mentors.
We have all been supported and helped by somebody in our career development. This Roll is your chance to let the whole world know you are grateful for their guidance and inspiration.
Details here.

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
Can nominate Yes Yes No
Can be nominated Yes Yes No

APSR webpages for members only

Membership category
Ordinary Associate Undergraduate student
Full access Yes Yes Yes


Possibly the greatest benefit is to enjoy a network of contacts and information throughout the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide, and benefit from the APSR’s association with other international respiratory and thoracic societies.