- Login help
- Registration help
How do I log in?
You can log in here by using your email address and password that you have registered.
How can I register for members-only access?
You can register from here.
Why do I need to log in?
Most of the APSR website is open to the public, but some special pages are reserved for only APSR members.
What is my email address and password?
Your email address and password are those you have registered. If you have not registered yet, you can register from here.
I’ve forgotten which email address I used to login email address. Can you tell me what it is?
Probably. Email the APSR Secretariat member@apsr.org with your full name, membership number, country/region, society (if you have membership through an en bloc society), and the approximate last date/time you logged in.
Can I change my email address and other details?
You can change it from the “My membership information” after logging in.
Can I change my password?
Yes. Click here.
I’ve forgotten my password. Can you tell me what it is?
No. Passwords are encrypted so we cannot see what your password is.
There is no way to recover a lost password, but you can reset it here. -
I’ve requested a new password but the email with instructions hasn’t arrived. What should I do?
Check your Junk Email folder.
Your email filter may consider computer-generated emails to be spam and put them in your Junk Email folder.
If the email never arrives, please contact the Secretariat member@apsr.org.
They will raise a technical support ticket. -
I’ve lost access to my registered email address and need to change it to a different one. What should I do?
Please email APSR Secretariat member@apsr.org with your full name, membership number, country/region, society (if you have membership through an en bloc society), the current registered email address and the email address that will be newly registered.
I have another question. Who should I contact?
Please email the APSR Secretariat at member@apsr.org.
How can I register for members-only access?
You can register from here.
Why do I need to register?
Some webpages are reserved for APSR members only. To see those pages you must log in. To be able to log in, you need to first register a email address and a password.
Do I need to register before I can log in?
Yes, but only one time. After you have registered, you can log in as many times as you wish.
Do I need to register every time before I can log in?
How can I find out whether I am “APSR member”?
If you joined the APSR directly, please contact the APSR Secretariat: member@apsr.org to find out whether your membership is still current.
If you joined the APSR as part of a group membership (see the current list of en bloc member societies), please contact your society to find out whether they have included you in their APSR membership arrangements.
How do I log in?
You can log in here by using email address and password that you have registered.
If you are an en bloc member, you need to register the email address that received the APSR membership number for the initial registration. If you do not know the email address, please contact your affiliated en bloc society.
Can I change my email address and other details later?
You can change it from the “My membership information” after logging in.
Can I change my password later?
Yes. Click here.
If I change my email address or password, do I need to register again?
Is my registration for access to members-only pages the same as my registration for the congress?
To register for accessing members-only pages on the APSR website, You can register from here.
To register for the Congress, click the link on the Congress website.
I have another question. Who should I contact?
Please write to the APSR Secretariat at member@apsr.org.