
Asthma Assembly Symposium

Saturday 28 November 2020

  • 16:00-17:45 (UTC+9

This webinar has ended.


Dr Kang-Yun Lee

Assembly Head

Dr Phuong Phan Thu

Assembly Head-Elect

Dr Shih-Lung Cheng

Assembly Deputy Head


Dr Yoichi Nakanishi



APSR President

Prof. Hao-Chien Wang

The Risk of Short-Acting Beta-Agonist Over-reliance


the AVM’s main presentation, by Prof. Hao-Chien Wang, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan

Dr Keiko Kan-o

Incense smoke induces airway hyperresponsiveness, alterations of tight junction proteins and loss of airway epithelial barrier integrity via oxidative stress


Research Institute for Diseases of the Chest, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan
Winner of the Gold Award for this symposium

Dr Tsunahiko Hirano

Airway TNF-LIGHT expression and associated molecular inflammatory profiles in asthma patients with persistent airflow limitation 


Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Disease, Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Winner of a Silver Award for this symposium

Dr Noriyuki Tashima

Elevated serum free fatty acids may be a risk factor of adult onset asthma: Nagahama Study


Department of Respiratory Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University, Japan
Winner of a Silver Award for this symposium

Dr Duminda Yasaratne

Epidemiology of bronchial asthma during pregnancy: A cross-sectional study of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at Teaching Hospital Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

by the APSR Asthma Assembly leadersDr Kang-Yun Lee, Assembly Head
Dr Phuong Phan Thu, Assembly Head-Elect
Dr Shih-Lung Cheng, Assembly Deputy Head

Questions for panelists and their responses

Whether FENO has any role in personalized treatment of asthma?

Dr Hao-Chien Wang responds:

FeNO is a marker of eosinophilic inflammation & TH2 inflammation of airway. It could be used as a composite marker when we try to consider using biologics, another clinical application is to monitor the patient’s compliance of ICS.

How to control asthma in adult patient who always use reliever often? In which they don’t want to use a controller due to iya cost

Dr Hao-Chien Wang responds:

Considering over use (over reliance) of SABA, the most important thing is patient education: We should emphasize the importance of controller usage (for better symptom control, improved asthma related clinical outcomes, less healthcare resource utilization) and the risk of SABA overuse (poor asthma control, risk of acute exacerbation & increased mortality). Another strategy is try to use formoterol/ICS (anti-inflammatory reliever) for these patients (SMART approach).

Is there still a benefit of Montelukast for asthma patients?

Dr Hao-Chien Wang responds:

Leukotriene modifier (Montelukast) has some role in asthma treatment:

  1. asthmatic with allergic rhinitis,
  2. exercise induced asthma,
  3. as add on therapy with other controllers (ICS, ICS+LABA) for better asthma control.

may i know at what stage of pregnancy you have recorded the high incidence of asthma symptoms?

Dr Duminda Yasaratne responds:

usually at mid-second week. There were another few who developed symptoms close to term. Thanks.