Education&ScienceAPSR Joint Symposium

TSPCCM, December, 2020

A joint symposium was held during the 2020 Annual Congress of the Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (TSPCCM) which took place on 12-13 December at the NTUH International Convention Center, Taipei under the leadership of Prof. Meng-Chih Lin MD.

APSR members were invited to watch this symposium live on 12 December free of charge on the Zoom platform.

The following session times are local to Taiwan (GMT+8).


08:00 Opening remarks
08:40-09:15 Laboratory diagnosis for COVID-19: development and challenge
Moderator: Prof. Meng-Chih Lin
Speaker: Prof. Shih, Shen-Ru
Director, Research Center for Emerging Viral Infections
Medical Director, Clinical Virology Laboratory, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Professor, Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science/Graduate Program of Biomedical Science, CGU
Objective: Understand difference of the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection: RT-PCR vs. antigen rapid test vs. serologic antibody test

Prof. Shih
09:25-10:00 Non-pharmacological management of severe COVID-19 infection in ICU
Moderator: Prof. Chong-Jen Yu
Speaker: Prof. Rex Chin-Wei Yung
Rapid City Regional Hospital, Pulmonary Department, Locum Tenens (Weatherby Health Care) Rapid City, SD
Chief Scientific Officer, Prolung Inc, Salt Lake City, UT
Retired from full time practice School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Adjunct Faculty, Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Objective: Understand Non-pharmacological management of severe COVID-19 infection in ICU

Prof. Yung
10:10-10:45 Pharmacological treatment for COVID-19: what we learn from clinical trial reports
Moderator: Prof. Diahn-Warng Perng
Speaker: Prof. Kuang-Yao Yang
Professor, Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Director, Division of Respiratory Therapy, Department of Chest Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Objective: Learn about the effect of Pharmacological treatment for COVID-19

Prof. Yang
10:55-11:30 The effect of face covering and social distancing in preventing the transmission of COVID-19
Moderator: Prof. Pan-Chyr, Yang
Speaker: Prof. Yoichi Nakanishi
Chairman, Kitakyushu City Hospital Organization
Principal, Kitakyushu Municipal School of Nursing
Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University
Objective: Understand the effect of strategies to prevent the transmission of COVID-19

Prof. Nakanishi

The TSPCCM reports

It was a great honour to invite Dr Rex Chin-Wei Yung and Prof. Yoichi Nakanishi, the president of the APSR, to discuss the updated management of COVID-19. The topic of this symposium was “Updated management of COVID-19.” As the first time to hold an online symposium, it went well with flying colours.

The goal of this symposium was to give the members of TSPCCM and ASPR the cutting-edge information about treatment, preventing the transmission of COVID-19, and the development and challenge of this disease.

The TSPCCM was profoundly grateful for this opportunity to accomplish the convention with the cooperation with the APSR. As measured by the attendance and quality of the scientific programme, the convention was an absolute success.

Dr Nakanishi, President of the APSR, reports

It was a great honour to represent the APSR at the 2020 Annual Congress of the Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and the Taiwan Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Taiwan Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Joint Conference, which was held on 12th and 13th December 2020 in Taipei, Taiwan. Because of the corona surge, the congress was held as a hybrid style; on site congress at the NTUH International Convention Center in Taipei, and online. Investigators from the USA, Australia and Japan participated in the congress over the internet. In spite of the difficult situation, the congress was very well organized and progressed smoothly.

During the congress, a TSPCCM-APSR Joint Symposium entitled “Updated management of COVID-19” was held on the first day. From the APSR, Dr Rex Chin-Wei Yung, Head of the Critical Care Medicine Assembly and I joined from the USA and Japan, respectively. And from TSPCCM, Dr Shin-Ru Shih and Prof. Kuang-Yao Yang joined on site.

We could share and learn updated information on testing, non-pharmacological and pharmacological management, and prevention of COVID-19. Since the symposium was open to members of the APSR, it would have been meaningful and worthy for not only members of the TSPCCM but also members of the APSR.

Because of the COVID-19 surge, many congresses have been postponed or forced alter their style. However, since the congress was so epoch-making and successful, I felt this congress has suggested a new direction or milestone for congresses in the future. I express sincere appreciation to all members of TSPCCM for their great efforts and kind help.

Dr Yung, Head of the APSR Critical Care Medicine Assembly, reports

It was a privilege, honour and great pleasure that I was able to represent the APSR (Critical Care Assembly) and participate at this year’s TSPCCM-APSR Joint Symposium at the 2020 Annual Congress of Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine held on the 12 December 2020.

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the focus of this year’s symposia was not surprisingly on various aspects in the diagnosis and management of SARS-CoV-2, especially as it relates to prevention, diagnosis and management especially of the critically ill. Unfortunately because of the same pandemic and on-going transmission of disease, it was also a virtual meeting for the overseas presenters, including Dr Yoichi Nakanishi, the president of the APSR, and myself.

Much as the island of Taiwan has done a remarkable job in the management of this pandemic, the Local Organizing Committee of the TSPCCM is to be congratulated for their exemplary organization. This included coordinating all the preparatory work, communicating with the outside speakers, early testing of the virtual Zoom connections and presentation platforms, clarification and reminders of the disparate presentation times across different time zones, and coordinating a live (in Taiwan) audience with local presenters and remote presenters. At no time did our session seem disjointed.

The session itself comprised four 35-minute didactic presentations followed by 10-minute discussion / question and answer questions. After Professor Meng-Chih Lin (TSPCCM President) gave the welcome and introduction, Professor Shin-Ru Shih presented on state-of-the-art research on testing, specifically the “Detection of SARSCoV-2 infection: RTPCR vs. antigen rapid test vs. serologic antibody test”. Then alternating with APSR speakers, Dr Rex Yung spoke on the “Non-pharmacological management of severe COVID-19 infection in ICU”, highlighting the American experience but incorporating world data. Professor Kuang-Yao Yang of the TSPCCM then summarized in great detail the latest data for best evidence based “Pharmacological treatment for COVID-19: what we learn from clinical trial reports” in this rapidly moving field. Capping off the symposia was Professor Yoichi Nakanishi who brought us back to the most important aspect of management; that is prevention, with his lecture on “The effect of face covering and social distancing in preventing the transmission of COVID-19”. All in all, these four presentations covered important aspects of this new worldwide pandemic. The moderators for the four talks were very effective in eliciting some questions or posed questions and learning points for the live audience and those who signed in remotely.

It is a shame that colleagues not on the island were unable to more fully enjoy the entire experience of the 2-day programme with many stimulating scientific presentations, and informal interactions. We certainly look forward to the worldwide control of the Covid-19 pandemic and return to the stage when we can all participate in person. But a combination with virtual attendees will likely also broaden the opportunity for participation by many interested parties and will foster on-going close relationships between the APSR and its many sister organizations.

Humbly submitted by Rex C Yung, MD, 15/12/2020

As an en bloc society of the APSR this MTS symposium is supported by the En Bloc Society – APSR Joint Symposium scheme.

To hold a joint APSR session at your own respiratory society’s annual conference, see APSR Joint Symposium.