Education&ScienceAPSR Joint Symposium

MTS, December, 2020

MTS – APSR Joint Symposium on Lung Cancer
11 December 2020

The virtual 2020 Malaysian Thoracic Society Annual Congress (MTS) was held on 10-13 December. Members were able to watch the symposium live on 11 December online.


0850-0915 Targeted therapy for advanced NSCLC – Old and New
Understand the evolving landscape of treatment in NSCLC
Speaker: Dr Liam Chong Kin (MTS)
c. 0915-0940 Approach to Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Learn systematic and current approach to Solitary pulmonary nodules
Speaker: Dr Kwun Fong (APSR)
c. 0940-1005 Lung Cancer screening and the impact on Thoracic Surgery
Understand the implication on thoracic surgery with the start of lung cancer screening. Can we cope?
Speaker: Dr Pramoj Jindal (MTS)
1035-1100 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy & Surgery vs Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy & Immunotheraphy
A debate.
Speaker: Dr Narasimman Sathiamurthy (MTS)
Speaker: Dr Tan Chih Kiang (MTS)
c. 1100-1125 Management of Immunotherapy Related Pulmonary Toxicity
Understand the management of Immunotherapy related lung toxicities
Speaker: Dr David Lam (APSR)
c. 1125-1150 Ground Glass Opacity – Diagnostic approach and Management
Learn when to investigate a ground glass opacity. Its diagnostic approach and management.
Speaker: Dr Alan D L Sihoe

The times shown in the programme above are local to Malaysia (GMT+8)

Registration details were available at

Dr Kwun Fong, past president of the APSR, reports

Congratulations to the Malaysian Thoracic Society on a very successful fully virtual Annual Congress on 10 to 13 December 2020, which I was privileged to participate in.

Well done to Dr Rozanah Abd Rahman, Organising Chairperson, Dr Lalitha Pereirasamy, (Chairperson Adult Scientific Programme for my session) and the other MTS Congress 2020 Organisers ( for their excellent work:

  • Assoc Prof Dr Pang Yong Kek
  • Dr Asiah Kassim
  • Dr N Fafwati Faridatul Akmar Mohammad
  • Dr Eg Kah Peng
  • Dr Helmy Haja Mydin
  • Dr Zamzurina Abu Bakar
  • Dr Syazatul Syakirin Sirol Aflah
  • Dr Fauzi Mohd Anshar
  • Dr Jiunn Liang Tan
  • Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail
  • Dr Narasimman Sathiamurthy
  • Dr Rashidah Yasin
  • Dr Hooi Lai Ngoh
  • Dr Su Siew Choo
  • Dr Jessie De Bruyne
  • Dr Jessie Anne de Bruyne
  • Dr Nurhayati Mohd Marzuki
  • Dr Su Siew Choo
  • Dr Lim Wei Juan
  • Dr Bazli Bahar
  • Dr Noor Aliza Md Tarekh
  • Dr Razman Shamsudin
  • Dr Ng Yong Siang
  • Dr Kuan Yeh Chunn
  • Dr Nur Laily Md Yatim
  • Dr Izyan Saleha Ibrahim
  • Dr Tee Koh Soon
  • Dr Ashwin Ramachandran
  • Ms Che Juliana Che Ab Aziz
  • Mrs Widyawati Kasban
  • Mrs Siti Faiza Dehan
  • Mr Samad Alias
  • Mr Mohd Saiful Farid Mohd Jumain
  • Mr Nor Aizie Muhamad
  • Ms Nazuha Radzi & Ms Saidatul Nursyida Mat Rahim of the MTS Secretariat

I was not able to attend all the wonderful sessions but the oral presentations I was privileged to hear were very high quality and to me reflects a vibrant scientific and research community, undertaking world class research to help us all achieve lung health, in keeping with the APSR vision and mission. It was a therefore a wonderful collaboration for the first ever joint MTS-APSR joint Congress Symposium and hopefully many more to follow.

And congrats to all the presenters who worked so hard (your turn will come) and to the ones who this year were selected for awards; My allocated session was incredibly informative thanks to the very high quality presentations which I enjoyed with co-judges; Professor Dr Mohammed Fauzi bin Abdul Rani and Dr Renato Cutrera.

Terima Kasih MTS for the honour of participating and learning from your first ever virtual Congress which went very well and smoothly with great preparation and rehearsal, another great success for the MTS.

Dr David C L Lam reports

It was unusual time with COVID-19 pandemic that we attended the Malaysian Thoracic Society Annual Congress 11 December 2020 with virtual presentation and sharing on the MTS-APSR Joint Symposium on Lung Cancer.

Dr Fong presented updates on the management of lung nodules, Dr Lam presented management of pulmonary toxicity from immunotherapy in lung cancer and Dr Sihoe presented updates on the management of ground-glass opacity.

We were all delighted to enjoy the smooth running of the programme and we would like to thank Dr Liam Chong Kin and Dr Soon Hin How for chairing the sessions for us.

It had not been an easy job for the Organizing Committee for running this successful virtual congress in the unusual time of COVID-19 pandemic.

We would like to thank the Malaysian Thoacic Society, the President Dr Y K Pang and the Organizing Committee for allowing us to join this MTS Congress 2020 and we look forward to seeing colleagues again on more joint activities between MTS and APSR.

As an en bloc society of the APSR this MTS symposium is supported by the En Bloc Society – APSR Joint Symposium scheme.

To hold a joint APSR session at your own respiratory society’s annual conference, see APSR Joint Symposium.