Education&ScienceAPSR Joint Symposium

ISR, September, 2022

An ISR-APSR Joint Symposium at the hybrid meeting of Indonesian Society of Respirology was held on Saturday, 24 September at 08:00-09:30 (GMT+7).

Drs Animesh Ray and Hari Kishan Gonuguntla from India joined en bloc society APSR members from Indonesia:

Moderator: Dr Fariz Nurwidya, PhD, SpP(K)

  1. Overview of Interstitial Lung Disease
    Speaker: Dr Animesh Ray (APSR)
  2. Recent Update Therapy in Interstitial Lung Disease
    Speaker: Dr Dianiati Kusumo Sutoyo, (SpP(K))
  3. Interventional Diagnostic in Interstitial Lung Disease
    Speaker: Dr Hari Kishan Gonuguntla (APSR)
  4. HRCT in Interstitial Lung Disease
    Speaker: tbc (ISR)
  5. Discussion

See for registration details. The online registration fee was $175.

Programme download

As an en bloc society of the APSR this ISR symposium was supported by the En Bloc Society – APSR Joint Symposium scheme.

To hold a joint APSR session at your own respiratory society’s annual conference, see APSR Joint Symposium.