Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Vietnam 2014

Asthma in Children:Personalized treatment and update GINA 2014

6 – 7 December 2014 Ho Chi Minh City

The Vietnam Respiratory Society (VNRS) held a workshop, sponsored by the APSR: “Asthma in Children: Personalized treatment and update of GINA 2014” on 6–7 December 2014, at the Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University.

It was gratifying to see positive feedback from participants, who agreed that the workshop objectives and lectures were appropriate for their needs, the lecturers were knowledgeable and delivered clearly, and the event’s organization, facilities and documentation were good.

1.Prof. Timothy J Craig, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Distinguished Educator
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Penn State University, USA
Director, Allergy and Respiratory Clinical Research
Former President of PA Allergy and Asthma Association

2.Prof. Gary Wong, Professor and Honorary Consultant
Department of Paediatrics and School of Public Health
Chinese University of Hong Kong
President, Asia-Pacific Association of Pediatric Allergy, Respirology and Immunology (APAPARI)
Board of Directors, GINA Executive Committee: Global Initiative for Asthma

3.A/Prof. Le Thi Tuyet Lan
Vice President of Vietnam Respiratory Society
President of Ho Chi Minh City Respiratory Society (HRS)
President of Ho Chi Minh City Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Society

Doctor 800.000 VND
Student 400.000 VND
VNRS,HRS or APSR member 600.000 VND
  1. Vu Tran Thien Quan, MD
    Tel: 0934 041 123
  2. Nguyen Thi Cam Hong, Ms.
    Tel: 08 38 594 470 – 0983 761 308
  3. Vu Van Giap, MD. PhD.
    Tel: 0989 335 356

Outline of scientific programme

Date Session Speaker Time
6 December
Opening Prof. Le Thi Tuyet Lan 08:00–08:15
Treating asthma per the guidelines. A case based approach. Prof. Timothy J Craig 08:15–09:15
Tea break
The prospect of personalized treatment for childhood asthma. Prof. Gary Wong 09:30–10:30
Discussion 10:30–11:00
Immunology of asthma; opportunities for individual care by monoclonal antibodies Prof. Timothy J Craig 13:00–14:00
Discussion 14:00–14:30
Tea break
What’s new with the 2014 update of GINA guideline? Prof. Gary Wong 14:45–15:45
Discussion 15:45–16:15
7 December
Benefits of exercise in asthma Prof. Timothy J Craig 08:00–9:00
Discussion 09:00–09:30
Tea break
IOS and its applications Prof. Le Thi Tuyet Lan 09:45–10:45
Discussion 10:45–11:00
Rhinitis and the effect on sleep and productivity Prof. Timothy J Craig 13:00–14:00
Discussion 14:00–14:15
Tea break
Rhinitis and Asthma Prof. Le Thi Tuyet Lan 14:30–15:30
Discussion 15:30–15:45
End 15:45–16:00