Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Singapore 2009

Lung Cancer and Bronchology Symposium

19-20 February 2009 Post-Graduate Medical Institute
Singapore General Hospital

A state of the art review on imaging, diagnosis, staging and treatment of lung cancer. New technologies aimed at imaging for early lung cancer detection, precision targeting of pulmonary nodules, endoscopic ultrasound for mediastinal staging as well as therapeutic bronchoscopic and pleuroscopic techniques for palliation will be discussed. The course features live demonstration by the expertsand allows participants to have ‘hands-on’ experience. In addition there are sessions on lung pathology and its precursors, new international classification for lung cancer as well as research into biomarkers for targeted therapy in the future.

Specialists, trainees in pulmonary medicine, oncology, thoracic surgery, pathology and researchers with interest in lung cancer. CME points will be awarded.

There is an ‘early bird’ registration discount of SGD $120 before 8 February 2009.

more details & registration form

Post-Graduate Medical Institute
Singapore General Hospital
Block 6, Level 1

19 Feb 2009
08:00-08:30 Registration
Opening Remarks
Loo Chian Min, Head, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, SGH
Radiographic Imaging for Lung Cancer, Any Role for Screening?
Cheah Foong Koon
Thoracic Imaging, SGH
Bronchoscopy for Lung Cancer: wash, brush, biopsy, needle aspiration
Atul Mehta, Cleveland Clinic, USA
Staging the Mediastinum: what can the bronchoscopist offer?
Noriaki Kurimoto, St Marianne University, Japan.
Staging the Mediastinum: what can the gastroenterologist offer?
Steven Mesenas Gastroenterology, SGH
Sputum, Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy for Early Central Airway Cancer
Bing Lam, Respiratory Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Intervention for Early Central Airway Cancer: PDT, Laser, Electrocautery, Cryotherapy, Brachytherapy
Lee Pyng, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, SGH
Future of Bronchoscopic Imaging for Early Central Airway Cancer
Henri Colt, University of California, Irvine, USA
Targeting pulmonary nodules with Navigational Bronchoscopy
Atul Mehta, USA
Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy, EBUS, EUS
20 Feb 2009
08:00-08:30 Registration
State of the Art: Chemotherapy in Lung Cancer
Toh Chee Keong, Medical Oncology, NCC
State of the Art: Radiation in Lung Cancer
Fong Kam Weng, Radiation Oncology, NCC
State of the Art: Genetic Biomarkers, Targeted and Multimodality treatment
David Lam, Respiratory Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
International Classification of Lung Cancer
Michael den Bakker, Erasmus, Netherlands
Lung Cancer Pathology and pre-invasive precursors
Michael den Bakker, Netherlands
Lung Cancer Research: Epigenetics and Biomarkers
David Lam, Hong Kong
Palliation of Central Airway Obstruction with Bronchoscopic Techniques: Case Illustrations
Henri Colt, University of California, Irvine, USA
Palliation of Malignant Pleural Effusion with Pleuroscopy, Pleurodesis and Pleural Catheters: Case Illustrations
Lee Pyng and Bing Lam
EBUS TBNA, Navigational Bronchoscopy, Airway stents, Rigid Bronchoscopy, Pleuroscopy