Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Philippines 2016

L.A.V.A: Learning Advances, Views and Analyses in Lung Disease

29 September to 1 October 2016 Legazpi City

The Philippine College of Chest Physicians hosted an ESAP: “L.A.V.A: Learning Advances, Views and Analyses in Lung Disease”. Materials and photos on DropBox can be seen at, and here is their report:

t was a long preparation for the PCCP Southern Tagalog Chapter from its approval by the Philippine College of Chest Physicians to sponsor a midyear convention in Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines. Eventually, it was also approved by the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology to be an educational seminar of the APSR (ESAP). The last ESAP in the Philippines was held in Manila in 2014. Frequent meetings and communications were done in order to ensure efficient logistics and a dynamic scientific programme.

Finally came 29 September 2016. To start of the convention with a blast, a 3 km “L.A.V.A. Run” was held in the early morning along the stretch of Legazpi Boulevard which highlighted the coastline of the city and Mayon Volcano in the background. It also aimed to promote lung health through physical fitness. Despite the unpredictable weather, which eventually rained to add to the fun, almost 200 runners participated. The event started with a short Zumba work out as a warm up.

Later in the morning, a significant number of delegates opted to attend the post graduate course on “Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound.” It was very much appreciated by the participants as it provided them an introductory and hands on experience on ultrasonography of the chest and other systems which may be applicable in their clinical practice.

In the afternoon, a group of pulmonologists proceeded to Bicol University to meet with high school students. A lecture was given by Dr Encarnita Limpin to educate them about the harms of smoking. Through this, we hope that they will not attempt to start the habit and that smokers will be encouraged to quit while it’s still early. The students were very receptive about the issue and very interactive with the lecturer.

30 September 2016 was the start of scientific programme. The opening ceremony was held in the Luzon ballroom of Hotel Oriental, Legazpi City to formally start the convention. We were honoured by the presence of the City Mayor who gave an inspiring speech. We were also graced by a video message from the Vice President of the Philippines, Honourable Maria Leonora Robredo, who also hailed from the same region (Bicol). She was originally invited as a keynote speaker, but she could not come due to important national concerns.

The scientific programme was head started by Professor Pyng Lee from Singapore, as a representative of the APSR. She gave a very informative and comprehensive lecture on “Advances in Interventional Pulmonology: Focus on Pleural Diseases.” The rest of the lectures were well attended as our expert speakers presented their topics very well to provide us with updates on important pulmonary issues.

In order to develop stronger bonds among colleagues, and as a break from the intensive scientific lectures, the night was celebrated with a “White Hot Party.” It was a night that featured the delicacies of the Bicol Region, combined with the danceable live music in the background. As initiated by the organisers through a dance presentation, the rest of the delegates followed and danced the night away. It was mix of generations which bridged the gap across the ages. It truly was a successful event which finished at an appropriate time to have a good rest before the next day’s programme.

The last day of the convention was devoted to two workshops. The general pulmonary track offered basic and practical skills in oxygen therapy, chest X-ray, ABG and PFT interpretation. The interventional pulmonology track focused on chest ultrasound and intrapleural catheter insertion, which provided the participants with a hands-on experience on inserting the catheter using a model. They offered different competencies appropriate for the perceived needs of the delegates in their practice.

The convention ended with a business meeting and a simple closing ceremony. The rest of the time was free for the delegates to enjoy the rest of their stay in Legazpi City before going back to their respective clinical practices.

It was a dynamic convention through a combination of advocacies, learning, and fun. We are truly honoured to have organized such an event.

Leandro L Masanga Jr. MD, FPCCP Overall Chair
PCCP 19th Midyear Convention

The initial invitation for this workshop follows:

The Philippine College of Chest Physicians, through the PCCP Southern Tagalog Chapter, would like to invite you to the 19th PCCP Midyear Convention to be held on 29 September to 1 October 2016 at the Hotel Oriental in Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines. With the theme: “L.A.V.A: Learning Advances, Views and Analyses in Lung Disease”, the organizing committee has crafted a very interesting scientific programme that is hoped to update your knowledge on common pulmonary conditions encountered in the Asia-Pacific region.

This midyear convention, which is also approved as an Educational Seminar of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (ESAP), presents a good opportunity for clinicians to be updated on current guidelines in asthma, COPD and tuberculosis, enhance their diagnostic skills in interpreting chest x-rays, ABGs and PFTs, and gain practical experience in chest ultrasonography, intrapleural catheter insertion and medical pleuroscopy.

These, together with the majestic and world-renowned Mayon Volcano as backdrop, complemented by the spicy cuisine of the Bicolanos and the great hospitality of the Southern Tagalog chapter, will ensure that our delegates will find their participation in this midyear convention both enjoyable and professionally fulfilling.

Enquiries to the PCCP Secretariat: (632)924-9204/924-0144,