Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Japan 2007

This ESAP was held 13:00-15:00 on the last day of the JRS meeting in Hall D1 of the Tokyo International Forum.

New Horizons in Asthma/COPD

12 May 2007 Tokyo

The programme presented the latest information on asthma & COPD guidelines and their related topics. It then provided pulmonary physicians with information regarding cellular and molecular mechanism on the pathogenesis of asthma and COPD. Finally, this seminar updated the knowledge of the audience on new developments in treatment of these diseases.

Time Topics Speaker
13:10 Welcome Kazuhisa Takahashi
(Juntendo University)
Session 1Chairs:
Arata Azuma (Nippon Medical School)
John Reilly (Harvard Medical School)
13:15 Overview and introduction Shu Hashimoto
(Nihon University)
13:25 New aspects on glucocorticoid action Ian Adcock
(National Heart & Lung Institute Imperial College)
13:45 Are allergic rhinitis and asthma manifestations of one syndrome? Revisiting the link Ruby Pawankar
(Nippon Medical School)
14:05 Current topics on genetics of asthma/COPD Koichiro Asano
(Keio University)
Session 2Chairs:
Jun Tamaoki (Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Peter Frith (Repatriation General Hospital)
14:30 COPD management and related topics William MacNee
(University of Edinburgh)
14:50 Anti-inflammatory therapy in asthma/COPD Kenji Minoguchi
(Showa University)
15:10 Closing Yoshinosuke Fukuchi
(Juntendo University)
President: Nobert Berend
Strategic Planning Committee Chairman: Yoshinosuke Fukuchi
Educational Committee Chairman: Richard Beasley
(New Zealand)
Treasurer: Shoji Kudoh
Local Organizing Committee Chairman: Shu Hashimoto
(Nihon University)
Local Organizing Committee: Arata Azuma
(Nippon Medical School)
Akitoshi Ishizaka
(Keio University)
Kenji Minoguchi
(Showa University)
Kazuhisa Takahashi
(Juntendo University)
Jun Tamaoki
(Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Koichiro Tatsumi
(Chiba University)
Local Office: APSR Secretariat ESAP in Tokyo 2007
Hideko Sato Cochrane (APSR Executive manager)
Yoshikawa Bldg No. 2
2-9-8 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0033 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5684-3370
Fax: +81-3-5684-3382