Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Australia 2009

The Current and Future Challenges of Respiratory Infectious Disease

4 April 2009 Darwin Convention Centre

Despite advances in anti-microbial therapies, infectious disease remains a major and ever-changing challenge. Potential new epidemics such as avian flu have created headlines across the world. More traditionally recognised pathogens including tuberculosis still remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality particularly in the developing world and the Asia-Pacific region. There are also particular challenges unique to the tropical areas. These problems relate to emergence of resistant strains of organisms as well as the never-ending challenges of service delivery in remote and resource-limited areas. This symposium was presented by a world-leading faculty drawn from the internationally recognised Menzies Institute as well as major loco-regional and international centres. An update of many of the key challenges in the battle against infectious disease was presented.

This ESAP took place prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand (TSANZ)

Session One
Chair: Tom Kotsimbos
09:00 A Prospective, Multinational Surveillance of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults: ANSORP study
Doo Ryeon Chung, Republic of Korea
09:30 Lung Injury and Respiratory Distress in Severe Falciparum and Vivax Malaria
Nick Anstey
10:00 Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition
Session Two
Chair: Paul Seale
10:30 Delivering Specialist Service to Remote Aboriginal Communities and Beyond
Malcolm McDonald, NT
11:00 Issues around TB screening-who and how?
Vicki Krause, NT
11:30 TB in the Torres Strait: Practical and Legal Problems
Graham Simpson, QLD
12:00 Lunch
Session Three
Chairs: Jonathan Carapetis and Paul Torzillo
13:00 Developments in Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccines
Rosalyn Singleton, USA
13:30 Melioidosis in Australia and beyond
Bart Currie, NT
14:00 Childhood Pneumonia: Global and Regional Issues
Kim Mulholland, NT
14:30 Suppurative Lung Disease in Childhood
Anne Chang, QLD
15:00 Close