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Roadshow China 2010-2011

Basic Bronchoscopy Roadshow

July 2010 to March 2011 Dalian, Changsha, Beijing, Shanghai, Yinchuan, Nanning

In collaboration with the Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, a series of Basic Bronchoscopy courses will be held in China. This Roadshow consists of a series of six one-day courses with hands-on workshop in a different city each month from July 2010 to March 2011. The courses will be held in the cities of Dalian, Taiyuan, Beijing, Shandong province, Chengdu, and Guangzhou.

  • Basic bronchoscopic techniques (biopsy, brushing, bronchioalveolar larvage) and handling of samples
  • Practical guide to transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph nodes
  • Complication prevention and management
  • Staff safety; cleaning of bronchoscope and disinfection
  • New advances in bronchoscopy
  • etc.

All sessions will be conducted in Chinese.

3 July 2010 Dalian, Liaoning province
10 September 2010 Taiyuan, Shanxi province
27 November 2010 Beijing
11 December 2010 Jinan, Shandong province
15 January 2011 Guangzhou, Guangdong province
20 March 2011 Chengdu, Sichuan province
  • Dr. Hu Cheng-ping(Changsha, China)
  • Dr. Lam Bing(Hong Kong SAR, China)
  • Dr. Li Shi-yue(Guangzhou, China)
  • Dr. Li Qiang(Shanghai, China)
  • Dr. Wang Guang-fa(Beijing, China)
  • Dr. Zhang Jie(Beijing, China)

Teaching material will be summarized and published in the Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases and also in Respirology.

Download the event poster or for further information, please contact Dr. Bing Lam at

Dalian, 3 July 2010

More than 80 doctors and technicians from various hospitals in Dalian and surrounding provinces gathered at the Dalian Municipal Central Hospital to attend the course.

Morning lectures included those by Dr Lam Bing from the Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital, whointroduced the indication of bronchoscopy and basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; Dr Zhang Jie from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy; Dr Wang Guang-fa from the First Hospital of Peking University, who talked about the safety issue of bronchoscopy; Dr Tong Zhao-hui from the Beijing Chao-yang Hospital, who introduced the new development in interventional pulmonology; Dr Li Qiang from Changhai Hospital of Shanghai, who introduced the basic bronchoscopic techniques.

In the afternoon Dr Lam Bing and Dr Wang Guang-fa were the tutors for the hands-on workshop on basic bronchoscopy and EBUS-TBNA.

Taiyuan, 10 September 2010

About 60 doctors and technicians from various hospitals in the Shanxi province joined in the course undertaken by the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University.

Morning lectures included those by Dr Wang Guang-fa from the First Hospital of Peking University, who talked about the basic bronchoscopic techniques and safety issue of bronchoscopy; Dr Jiang Shu-juan from the Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, who introduced the indication of bronchoscopy and basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; and Dr Zhang Jie from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy and the new development in interventional pulmonology.

In the afternoon the 60 participants were divided into three groups to practice. The three professors were tutors for the hands-on workshops of basic bronchoscopy, TBNA puncture operation and EBUS-TBNA. The groups exchanged after reaching proficiency.

Beijing, 27 November 2010

About 35 doctors and technicians from various hospitals of Beijing and Tianjing joined in the course in the Chinese Medical Association.

Morning lectures included those by Dr Jiang Shu-juan, who introduced the indication of bronchoscopy and talked about the basic bronchoscopic techniques; Dr Wang Guang-fa, who introduced the basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; Dr Zhang Jie, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy; and Dr Hu Cheng-ping, who introduced the safety for doctors.

In the afternoon the 35 participants were divided into two groups to practice. Professors Wang Guang-fa, Zhang Jie and Jiang Shu-juan were tutors for the hands-on workshops of basic bronchoscopy, TBNA puncture operation and EBUS-TBNA. The groups exchanged after reaching proficiency.

Jinan, 11 December 2010

About 48 doctors and technicians from various hospitals in the Shandong Province joined in the course undertaken by the Province Hospital of Shandong.

Morning lectures included those by Dr Wang Guang-fa from the First Hospital of Peking University, who talked about the basic bronchoscopic techniques and safety issues of bronchoscopy; Dr Jiang Shu-juan from the Province Hospital of Shandong, who introduced the indication of bronchoscopy and basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; and Dr Zhang Jie from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy and the new development in interventional pulmonology.

In the afternoon the 48 participants were divided into three groups to practice under the direction of the three professors. The three hands-on workshops were: basic bronchoscopy, TBNA puncture operation and EBUS-TBNA. The groups exchanged after reaching proficiency.

Guangzhou, 15 January 2011

About 50 doctors and technicians from various hospitals of the Guangdong and Fujian provinces joined in the course undertaken by the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.

Morning lectures included those by Dr Lam Bing from the Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital, who introduced the indication of bronchoscopy, and talked about the basic bronchoscopic techniques; Dr Wang Guang-fa from the First Hospital of Peking University, who introduced the basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; Dr Zhang Jie from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy; and Dr Li Shi-yue from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, who introduced the new development in interventional pulmonology.

In the afternoon 45 participants were divided into two groups to practice. Professors Wang Guang-fa and Zhang Jie were tutors for the hands-on workshops: basic bronchoscopy, TBNA puncture operation and EBUS-TBNA. The groups exchanged after reaching proficiency.

Chengdu, 10 March 2011

About 60 doctors and technicians from various hospitals of the Sichuan province joined in the course undertaken by the West China Hospital of West China Medical School, Sichuan University.

In the morning Dr Liang Zong-an from the West China Hospital made a short introduction of professors, which was followed by lectures given by Dr Lam Bing from the Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital, who introduced the indication of bronchoscopy and talked about the basic bronchoscopic techniques; Dr Wang Guang-fa from the First Hospital of Peking University, who introduced the basics of TBNA of mediastinal lymphnodes; and Dr Zhang Jie from Beijing Tiantan Hospital of Capital Medical University, who discussed the management of complications during bronchoscopy and introduced the new development in interventional pulmonology.

In the afternoon all the participants were divided into three groups to practice. Professors Lam Bing, Wang Guang-fa and Zhang Jie were tutors for the hands-on workshops on basic bronchoscopy, TBNA puncture operation and EBUS-TBNA. The groups exchanged after reaching proficiency.

The feedback from the delegates of these courses was quite positive and hopefully this will promote the appropriate use of bronchoscopy.