Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Indonesia 2014

Updates on Lung Cancer

13 November 2014 Bali

With the assistance of the APSR Lung Cancer Assembly, and the hosted by the Indonesian Society of Respirology, this pre-congress ESAP took place in Bali, Indonesia, as a post-graduate course prior to the 19th Congress of the APSR.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of mortality of all cancer in the world. As two-thirds of smoking prevalence in the world is in the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, India and Indonesia, the prevalence of lung cancer in the region is increasing. The prevalence of lung cancer for nonsmokers and females is also increasing.

Pulmonologists and respiratory physicians play a key role in the diagnosis, staging and treatment of lung cancer. They also lead and participate in multidisciplinary efforts for lung cancer as well as managing comorbidities, provide medical treatment (chemotherapy and biological therapy), endobronchial treatment, general supportive care, and end-of-life care.

As the advancement of lung cancer biology and treatments is challenging, it is important to educate pulmonologists in the field. This ESAP presented updates on lung cancer biology, diagnosis and treatment.

Chair: Dr Kwun Fong
University of Queensland
Thoracic Research Centre at The Prince Charles Hospital
Co-chair: Dr Anwar Jusuf
Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia Persahabatan Hospital,
  • Dr E Hiyama (Japan)
  • Dr T Kikuchi (Japan)
  • Dr K Kishi (Japan)
  • Dr C Bai (China)
  • Dr D C L Lam (Hong Kong)
  • Dr B Robinson (Australia)
  • Dr C K Liam (Malaysia)
  • Dr K Hagiwara (Japan).

The event was well attended, including respiratory physicians, healthcare professionals and researchers from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philipines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates.

09.00–09.10 Course introduction
Kwun Fong
09.10–09.35 Molecular diagnosis of lung cancer
Eiso Hiyama
09.35–10.00 Lung cancer stem cell
Toshiaki Kikuchi
10.00–10.25 Thoracic CT pattern in lung cancer: correlate on of CT and pathological diagnosis
Kazuma Kishi
10.25–10.30 Discussion
10.30–11.00 Break
11.00–11.25 Genetic heterogeneity in lung cancer
Koichi Hagiwara
11.25–11.50 The TNM staging system for lung cancer
Kwun Fong
11.50–12.00 Discussion
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–13.10 Summary of morning session
Kwun Fong
13.10–13.35 Targeted agent in lung cancer: EGFR TKI and beyond
David CL Lam
13.35–14.00 Lung tumour immunology
Bruce Robinson
14.00–14.25 Neuroendocrine tumors of the lung
Chong-Kin Liam
14.25–14.35 Discussion
14.35–15.00 Break
15.00–15.25 SCLC: what we have now
Chunxue Bai
15.25–15.50 Lung cancer: the future ahead
Koichi Hagiwara
15.50–16.00 Closing Postgraduate Course
Kwun Fong

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Members are reminded that they may not be reproduced or disseminated without the permission of the ESAP speakers.
The contents of the educational materials represent the respective speakers’ own view on the subjects and by no means represent the stance of APSR.