Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Australia 2007

This ESAP was held 09:00 to 17:30 on the day before the 12th APSR Congress

Avian / emerging flu – from basic biology to pandemic planning

30 November 2007 Gold Coast

The real possibility of a human influenza pandemic signals an urgency to adequately understand its threat and to learn how best we can prepare ourselves. Pandemic influenza virus has its origins in avian influenza viruses, and the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 has received particular attention in that it is already panzootic in poultry worldwide and has been crossing species barriers to infect humans and other mammals with high fatality rates.

Bringing together experts from the World Health Organisation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American College of Chest Physicians and Asia-Pacific Society of Respirology, this ESAP seeks to review the ecology and evolution of avian influenza H5N1 viruses from the perspective of pandemic risk; to address various aspects of human H5N1 disease in relation to its epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, medical management; and finally to discuss issues relating to pandemic planning and preventive public health measures.

Epidemiology and Diagnosis

  • The global epidemiology of human infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses
    – Dr. Tim Uyeki, USA
  • A review of the clinical symptoms & spectrum of H5NI infection
    – Dr. David Hui, Hong Kong
  • Pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis
    – Dr. John Nicholls, Hong Kong

Management issues:

  • Antiviral treatment: prospects and problems
    – Dr. Paul A. Tambyah, Singapore
  • Other treatment options and issues
    – Dr. David Hui, Hong Kong
  • Managing the failing patient: ICU perspective
    – Dr. Curtis Sessler, USA

Pandemic planning:

  • Pandemic planning: Applying the lessons from SARS in Toronto
    – Dr. Donald Low, Canada
  • Pandemic planning in China: Applying the lessons from SARS
    – Professor Nan Shan Zhong, China
  • Curbing the spread of human infections: our story
    – Dr. Supamit Chunsuttiwat, Thailand
  • Preventive strategies: Where are we with vaccines?
    – Dr. Paul A. Tambyah, Singapore
  • Current state of preparedness including non-pharmaceutical interventions
    – Dr. Donald Low, Canada

Cost: A$50 for members of APSR or ACCP; A$150 for non-members.

Online registration: or directly with the Congress Secretariat at