
APSR / Woolcock Vietnam Award

The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Vietnam office, was established in 2009 with offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Ca Mau. It conducts research and capacity building on tuberculosis and lung health problems in Vietnam. Its research is focused on clinical and public health practice and policy, that is relevant to the problems of Vietnam and similar countries.

This award was initiated by Dr Guy Marks and is supported by the APSR and the Vietnam office of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, for an APSR Young Investigator from Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos who is presenting original work at the APSR Congress. It serves to spur on the next generation of respiratory researchers in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

The winning abstract is selected by the APSR, supported by the APSR Assemblies, which ranks the abstracts for their novelty, importance, methodology, clarity and overall quality. A consensus on the best (eligible) abstract is then obtained through a rigorous judging system.

Members of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Vietnam office.
Dr Marks shown on back row, 5th from the left.

The Award

  • US$500
  • A commemorative certificate
  • Invitation to the Gala Dinner (or similar social event) for the award ceremony

The Awardee

  • Must be an APSR member (en bloc or individual).
  • Must be aged ≤40 at the start of the Congress
  • Must normally reside in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos
  • Must be the First Author and able to present the abstract at the Congress
  • Cannot win multiple awards at the same APSR Congress (except the Respirology Case Reports Poster Award), nor have other travel support for the same APSR Congress.
  • Must register for the Congress before their individual “cut-off date”.
    The cut-off date will be provided in the acceptance letter sent by the Local Congress Secretariat. This date will be earlier than the usual registration deadline, to enable the programme schedule to be compiled and awards to be considered.