
Respirology Case Reports Poster Award

We are pleased to present the Respirology Case Reports Poster Award. The aim of this award is to encourage and assist authors presenting a poster at the annual APSR Congress describing a case report or short case series to gain experience and confidence with publishing their work. The Editor in Chief will select three (gold, silver, and bronze) posters and the three awardees will get assistance to write up and submit their manuscript to Respirology Case Reports.

A short-list of suitable posters will be selected by the APSR selection committee from eligible poster abstracts submitted for the APSR Congress. The final selection of the top 3 posters for the award will be made by the Editor in Chief of Respirology Case Reports. The presenting authors of the top 3 posters must provide an electronic copy of their poster upon request by the Respirology Case Reports Editorial Office, the week before the start of the Congress for the Editor in Chief to select the gold, silver and bronze poster award winners.

The winning manuscripts from previous years can be found on the journal’s website:

The Award

  • The gold, silver and bronze winners will receive assistance from the Editors and Editorial Office of Respirology Case Reports to write up and improve the quality of their actual manuscripts, if needed, to enhance their chance of acceptance.
  • The winners will receive a waiver of the open access publication fee if accepted. Note: Acceptance is not guaranteed by this award as it is subject to the view of the external peer reviewers, Associate Editor and Editor in Chief as part of the standard peer-review process.
  • The Award winning posters will be acknowledged during the Congress.

The Awardee

  • The awardees must be the presenting author of a poster describing a case report or case series suitable for Respirology Case Reports.
  • The awardees must register for the Congress, and tick the ‘case report‘ box.
  • The awardees must provide an electronic copy of their poster upon request by the Respirology Case Reports Editorial Office, the week before the start of the Congress for the Editor in Chief to select gold, silver and bronze poster award winners.
  • The awardees must submit their manuscript to Respirology Case Reports within six months of the end of the Congress.