
APSR / APTA Young Investigator Award

The winning abstract is selected by the APSR, supported by the APSR assemblies, who rank abstracts for their novelty, importance, methodology, clarity and overall quality. A consensus on the best (eligible) abstract is then obtained through a rigorous judging system.

The APSR is registered as the Asian Pacific Thoracic Association (APTA), a chartered organization (Non-Profit Organization – NPO) in Tokyo.

The Award

  • US$500
  • A commemorative certificate
  • Invitation to the Gala Dinner (or similar social event) for the award ceremony

The Awardee

  • Must be an APSR member (en bloc or individual).
  • Must be aged ≤40 at the start of the Congress
  • Must normally reside in the Asia-Pacific, in a country or region that is an LMIC*
  • Must be the First Author and able to present the abstract at the Congress
  • Cannot win multiple awards at the same APSR Congress (except the Respirology Case Reports Poster Award), nor have other travel support for the same APSR Congress.
  • Must register for the Congress before their individual “cut-off date”.
    The cut-off date will be provided in the acceptance letter sent by the Local Congress Secretariat. This date will be earlier than the usual registration deadline, to enable the programme schedule to be compiled and awards to be considered.

* LMIC:A country with a Low-, Lower-Middle, or Upper Middle-Income economy
HIC:A country with a High-Income economy
Lists of LMICs and HICs can be seen at…