AboutPartner societies

Partner societies

En bloc societies

  • What does “en bloc society” mean?

    If your respiratory society has arranged for all its members to have APSR membership, then your society is an en bloc society and you have all the rights and privileges as other APSR members.

  • Why should a society become en bloc society?

    Many societies in the Asia-Pacific region aspire to host the annual APSR Congress. This gives stronger exposure for their society locally, leading to a strengthening of their expertise, membership numbers and funds.

    The APSR Congress is held in a different country / region each year and any en bloc society is welcome to bid to host the event, in close collaboration with the APSR.

  • Any other advantage for an en bloc society?

    En bloc societies are invited to include eminent APSR speakers at a joint symposium at their own annual conference. Click here for details.

    En bloc societies are also eligible for assistance with other educational events, such as an ESAP workshop. Click here for details.

  • What’s the advantage for en bloc society members?

    En bloc society members are full APSR members and eligible to take part in all APSR activities.

    Most of the APSR officers, assembly leaders, committee chairs, etc. are en bloc members. This results in the APSR being truly representative of the whole Asia-Pacific region.

To learn more about joining the APSR en bloc, please contact the Secretariat info@apsr.org.

Currently, the following societies have en bloc membership:

  • Bangladesh Lung Foundation

    Md Ali Hossain

    Md Ali Hossain

    BLF President

    Bangladesh Lung Foundation
  • Hong Kong Thoracic Society

    Law Wai Lam

    Law Wai Lam

    HKTS President

    Hong Kong Thoracic Society
  • Indonesian Society of Respirology

    Alvin Kosasih

    Alvin Kosasih

    ISR President

    Indonesian Society of Respirology
  • Japanese Respiratory Society

    Kazuhisa Takahashi

    Kazuhisa Takahashi

    JRS Chairman

    Japanese Respiratory Society
  • Korean Academy of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases

    Joong Hyun Ahn

    Joong Hyun Ahn

    KATRD President

    Korean Academy of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases
  • Malaysian Thoracic Society

    Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail

    Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail

    MTS President

    Malaysian Thoracic Society
  • Mongolian Respiratory Society

    Tumur-Ochir Tsedev-Orchir

    Tumur-Ochir Tsedev-Orchir

    MRS President

    Mongolian Respiratory Society
  • Philippine College of Chest Physicians

    Ma. Janeth T Samson

    Ma. Janeth T Samson

    PCCP President

    Philippine College of Chest Physicians
  • Singapore Thoracic Society

    Sean Chee Hong Loh

    Sean Chee Hong Loh

    STS President

    Singapore Thoracic Society
  • Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists

    Neranjan Lassantha Anuruddha Dissanayake

    Neranjan Lassantha Anuruddha Dissanayake

    SLCP President

    Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists
  • Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

    Yuh-Min Chen

    Yuh-Min Chen

    TSPCCM President

    Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
  • Viet Nam Respiratory Society

    Ngô Qúy Châu

    Ngô Qúy Châu

    VNRS President

    Viet Nam Respiratory Society