AboutAssemblies & Sections
APSR Respiratory Structure and Function Assembly
Meet the Assembly

Gregory King

Yasutaka Nakano

Susumu Sato
Deputy Head
What do we do?
The Respiratory Structure and Function Assembly aims to promote respiratory research and education for members, both clinicians and researchers, who are interested in improving their professional activities. Our members do this by developing novel research techniques, providing ongoing education, disseminating new research findings and exploring new outcomes in respiratory disease with the aim of finding cures and new treatments for respiratory disease. We also encourage and support young researchers to develop their careers and become leaders in research and practice.
Current Assembly hot topics include use of physiological outcomes that will complement standard physiological tests in all forms of respiratory diseases. These include complex lung function testing, exercise testing, imaging, computation and structural modelling, and combining multi-modal outcomes to provide a comprehensive picture of disease e.g. ‘disease phenotyping’.
This Assembly is interested in:
- promotion of research skills using a physiological approach
- education and training in all aspects of lung physiology and structure
- distribution of scientific knowledge
- a professional community
- contribution to young researchers’ careers.
Who should join
All APSR members who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in respiratory medicine, in both clinical practice and research.
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