AboutAssemblies & Sections
APSR Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep Assembly
Meet the Assembly

Ning-Hung Chen

Naricha Chirakalwasan

Kah Lin Choo
Deputy Head
What do we do?
The Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep Assembly aims to share up-to-date knowledge in basic and clinical aspects of respiratory neurobiology and sleep medicine with all members, and provide practical training opportunities for early career members.
Current Assembly hot topics are pathophysiology associated with sleep apnea, dyspnea, dysphagia, and airway defense system, autonomic, epigenetic, and metabolic disorders due to intermittent hypoxia, new diagnostic tools including unconstrained measurement, new treatment devices, personalized treatment, and region-specific problems.
Who should join
There are gaps between basic researchers and clinicians in terms of understanding of pathophysiology causing abnormal breathing and its clinical significance. Therefore, basic researchers keen to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and build research collaborations with clinicians should join us. Also, clinicians keen to develop knowledge, build contacts and networks with basic researchers should join us. Early career researchers, keen to seek education and training opportunities, should join us as well.
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