AboutAssemblies & Sections
APSR Cell and Molecular Biology Assembly
Meet the Assembly

Chul-Gyu Yoo

Mitsuo Sato

Hsing-Chen Tsai
Deputy Head
What do we do?
The Cell and Molecular Biology Assembly aims to promote respiratory research and education for members who are interested in cutting edge science. It makes contributions to the development of novel research techniques and distribution of up-to-date tools. It also encourages young researchers to improve scientific skills and their careers.
Current Assembly hot topics include cellular and molecular aspects of all lung diseases, especially asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, ARDS, COPD and lung cancer.
This Assembly is interested in:
- promotion of research skills using cellular and molecular approach
- education and training regarding up-to-date techniques
- distribution of scientific knowledge
- contribution to young researchers’ careers.
Who should join
All APSR members who are interested in respiratory research. Especially, young members who are willing to do research, create networks, present research concepts, and improve their CVs. Senior members who wish to obtain novel knowledge and/or educate young researchers are also cordially invited.
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