AboutAssemblies & Sections
APSR Asthma Assembly
Meet the Assembly

Phuong Phan Thu

Shih-Lung Cheng

Mohammad Abdus Shakur Khan
Deputy Head
What do we do?
The Asthma Assembly aims to promote state-of-the-art practice and research into asthma in the Asia-Pacific region, through continuous professional development, research, and networking. It serves as a platform for members to raise and discuss important clinical questions, share updated medical knowledge, and help shape educational activities of the APSR.
The Asthma Assembly is currently interested in several key areas of emerging science, such as the microbiome in asthma, novel approaches to therapy of asthma including biologics, thermoplasty, and treatable traits, and well emerging mechanisms in asthma such as the place of fibrocytes, and ILC2s.
The Assembly wishes to promote effective asthma care and optimal selfmanagement of asthma, as well as using a multidisciplinary approach to asthma management.
Who should join
All APSR members who are interested in the field of clinical asthma, asthma mechanisms, and new approaches to asthma management. All who are keen to develop and share knowledge and ideas, build networks, collaborate in research projects and submit topics for the APSR Annual Congress Assembly Symposium are welcome to join.
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