Education&ScienceAPSR Joint Symposium

PCCP, November, 2021

An APSR-PCCP Joint Symposium will be held during the State of the art pulmonology: Disease updates and Philippine response symposia of the Philippine
College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) online, on 4-5 November 2021.

As with all En Bloc Society – APSR Joint Symposia half of the lectures will be presented by the En Bloc Society and half from the APSR.

(The following details were last updated on 31 August 2021)


There is an influx of literature at the forefront as the knowledge on commonly encountered respiratory diseases is rapidly evolving. Definitely, all of these should be placed in the proper perspective as we try to extract the best possible evidence and we translate these matters into the most optimal patient care. At the present, this may be challenging considering the busy schedule of clinicians especially during this pandemic.

This scientific session spearheaded by the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) in collaboration with our international society partners in the field of pulmonary and critical care, will present the latest updates on certain respiratory diseases and also spotlight the local response from the country towards the control of this disease. This forum will provide a good learning platform as the delegates get to listen to current concepts and appreciate what are the undertakings and initiatives of the Filipino pulmonologists on the ground.

Proposed Format

Plenary lectures with 30-40 minutes allotted to the international speaker and 20 minutes will be given to the local Filipino speaker. A 30-minute open forum will be provided at the end of each session.

Objectives of the Scientific Session

  • To discuss the latest updates and/or guidelines pertaining to the respiratory disease in focus.
  • To highlight current concepts that may cause changes in the management of particular pulmonary disease or condition.
  • To share current local initiatives that relate to the present contextual realities and in response to the updates of specific pulmonary disease or condition.
  • To address any concern in translating these concepts into clinical practice.

Main Scientific Programme

Day 2: Friday 5 November, 14:00-17:30 Manila time (UTC+8)

14:00-14:05 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology AV presentation
14:05-14:45 Pneumonia Pneumonia session moderator: Rodolfo Pagcatipunan Jr., MD, FPCCP

APSR speaker: Professor Ki-Suck Jung, MD, PhD
Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital
Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 14068, Republic of Korea

14:45-15:05 Local speaker: Benilda B Galvez, MD, FPCCP
Lung Center of the Philippines, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
15:05-15:35 Open Forum
15:35-15:45 break
15:45-15:50 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology AV presentation
15:50-16:30 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis session moderator: Elizabeth V Cadena, MD, FPCCP

APSR speaker: Professor Guy Marks
President, The Union
Honorary Professor of Medicine, University of New South Wales (Australia)

16:30-16:50 Local speaker: Jennifer Ann R Mendoza-Wi, MD, FPCCP
Dagupan Doctors Memorial Medical Center, Dagupan City
16:50-17:20 Open Forum
17:20-17:30 Closing ceremony

Advance pre-registration

Registration is FREE.

The PCCP will announce details to registrants via email when the Zoom webinar registration opens, some time in October 2021.

Register through: