Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP Indonesia 2006

This ESAP event was organized by Professor Faisal Yunus, Chairman of the Indonesian Society of Respirology, and supported by the APSR. The proceedings were opened by Professor Norbert Berend, President of the APSR. The initial plan had been to hold this educational event in June, 2006. However, the earthquake in Java on 27th May 2006 forced postponement to December, 2006.

Interventional Pulmonology Course on Bronchoalveolar Lavage & Medical Thoracoscopy

9-10 December 2006 Jakarta

Venue: Golden Boutique Hotel

The first day of the event was attended by 140 pulmonologists from across Indonesia (Aceh, Padang, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Kalimantan, and Bali). The programme is reproduced below and the main topics were:

  • Bronchoalveolar lavage: overview
  • Novel microsampling method to analyse epithelial lining fluid
    – comparison with BAL method
  • Infectious lung disease and BAL
    – Is there any place for it?
  • The use of BAL in respiratory care and obstructive airway disease
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage: How I do it
    – Handling & processing the sample (VTR)
  • Medical thoracoscopy
    – overview
  • Anatomy & physiology of pleural space
  • How to prepare the patient & thoracoscopy techniques
    – (one port, 2 or 3 port of entries)
  • Pleural biopsy techniques & pleurodesis
  • Managing empyema & pneumothorax
  • Pleural malignancy, mesothelioma and other pleural diseases
  • New development in interventional bronchology
Some of the ESAP delegates in the packed hall

Venue: Persahabatan Hospital

On the second day, there was a hands-on seminar, held in Department of Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Asthma Clinic Persahabatan Hospital.

This was attended by 40 pulmonologists from across the country, who engaged in:

  • How to handle and prepare the BAL sample
  • How to instal the thoracoscope to patient
  • Pleural biopsy techniques & pleurodesis

Venue: Golden Boutique Hotel
Jl. Angkasa No.1, Jakarta 10720, Indonesia

Time Topics Speaker
07:00‑08:00 Registration
08:00‑08:10 Opening speech Norbert Berend
08:10‑08:30 Bronchoalveolar lavage: overview Akitoshi Ishizaka
08:30‑08:50 Novel microsampling method to analyze epithelial lining fluid – comparison with BAL method Akitoshi Ishizaka (Japan)
08:50‑09:10 TBA Martin Phillips
09:10‑09:30 Infectious lung disease and BAL: Is there any place for it? Yoshiki Ishii
09:30‑10:00 Bronchoalveolar lavage: How I do it
BAL: Handling & processing the sample (VTR)
Yoshiki Ishii
10:00‑10:10 Discussion
10:10‑10:30 Coffee break
10:30‑10:50 What is good sample: A clinical Pathologist’s point of view Lia Gardenia
10:50‑11:10 Medical thoracoscopy: overview T. Miyazawa
11:10‑11:30 Anatomy & physiology of pleural space Boedi Swidarmoko
11:30‑11:50 How to prepare the patients & thoracoscopy techniques Alan Ng WK
11:50‑12:10 Discussion
12:10‑13:00 Lunch
13:00‑13:20 Pleural biopsy techniques & pleurodesis Menaldi Rasmin
13:20‑13:40 Managing empyema & pneumothorax Alan Ng WK
13:40‑14:00 Pleural malignancy, mesothelioma and other pleural diseases Yoshiki Ishii
14:00‑14:20 TBA Martin Phillips
14:20‑14:40 New development in interventional bronchology T. Miyazawa
14:40‑15:00 Discussion

Venue: Persahabatan Hospital
Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City 13230, Indonesia

08:00‑09:00: Preparation & breakfast
09:00‑12:30: Workshops:

Station 1: Station 2:
BAL How to handle and prepare the BAL sample
Yoshiki Ishii (Japan) and Faisal Yunus (Indonesia) Akitoshi Ishizaka (Japan) and Budhi Antariksa (Indonesia)
Station 3: Station 4:
How to instal the thoracoscope to patient Pleural biopsy techniques & pleurodesis
T. Miyazawa (Japan) and Boedi Swidarmoko (Indonesia) Alan Ng WK (Singapore) and Menaldi Rasmin (Indonesia)

Rotation of participants to the 4 stations. Each station duration 45 minutes (includes demonstration)