Education&ScienceAPSR ESAP

ESAP China 2017

Detection of Lung Cancer at Early Stage Summit and Special Training Course for the Asia-Pacific

17 November 2017 Shanghai

On 17th November 2017, Detection of Lung Cancer at Early Stage Summit and Special Training Course for Asia-Pacific Area, was held at Shanghai International Conference Center, Shanghai, China. A total of 12 speakers and more than 400 physicians and scientist participated in this training course.

The Summit and Course, which had been approved as an Educational Seminar of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (ESAP), contained tens of well-prepared talks. Speakers were all experts in the lung cancer area, including: Dr Chunxue Bai, Chairman of Shanghai Institution of Respiratory Diseases; Dr Kwun Fong, President of the APSR; Dr Fred R Hirsch, CEO of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC); Dr M Patricia Rivera, Chair of the ATS Thoracic Oncology Assembly; Dr Charles A Powell, Professor of Icahn School of Medicine; and Dr Rex Yung, Professor of Johns Hopkins University.

The training course, which aimed to provide the updates in the early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, provides a good opportunity for clinicians to be updated on current guidelines in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, enhance their diagnostic skills in interpreting CT scanning, and gain practical experience in auto fluorescence Bronchoscopy or guided bronchoscopy. Talks included:

  1. PD-L1 IHC assay as a predictive biomarker for immunotherapy: The Blueprint Project
  2. History and Progress of Lung cancer
  3. Lung Cancer in women
  4. Evaluation of pulmonary nodules: clinical practice consensus guidelines for Asia-Pacific countries and regions
  5. Lung cancer Biomarkers for early detection
  6. Clinical application of auto fluorescence bronchoscopy and narrowband bronchoscopy
  7. Diagnosis of pulmonary nodules with electromagnetic navigation
  8. Guided bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodule, et al.
Prof. Chunxue Bai
Prof. Kwun Fong

Dr Dawei Yang from Zhongshan Hospital also showed Advanced Technology of Shanghai Institution of Respiratory Diseases; AR + Demonstration: Automatic diagnostic imaging of pulmonary nodules and BaiDX 5A system.

Dr Dawei Yang from Zhongshan Hospital,
showing AR + Demonstration and BaiDX 5A system

Another important issue of the meeting is around 91 hospitals joined small nodule diagnosis and treatment program which was organized by China Alliance Against Lung Cancer, an organization focuses on “prevention, early diagnosis, comprehensive treatment and modern management of lung cancer”, and Prof Bai is the chairman of the organization.

Around 91 hospitals joined HTH project which was organized by China Alliance Against Lung Cancer.

The initial announcement of the ESAP follows:

Detection of Lung Cancer at Early Stage Summit and Special training Course for Asia

17 November 2017 Shanghai

A whole day training course will be held during the ISRD meeting on 17 November 2017 at the Shanghai International Conference Center
No. 2727 Binjiang Ave.
Pudong New District

Organizers: Chinese Alliance Against Lung Cancer, Shanghai Respiratory Medicine Clinical Quality Control Center

Course leaders: Dr Hu Jie, and Dr Yang Dawei.

The purpose of this training course is to provide state-of-art technology of early lung cancer detection, including but not limited to

  • advanced bronchoscopy biopsy,
  • fluorescence bronchoscopy and narrowband bronchoscopy,
  • bronchoscopy with electromagnetic navigation,
  • integrated intelligent imaging
  • and guideline for lung nodule follow up.

Experts in this area will include Prof Kwun Fong as the nominated APSR Executive Committee member, who will join this ESAP as an international faculty and speaker.

The normal registration fee is US$200, but a special half-price registration fee of US$100 for APSR members.

08:30 Opening and Introduction Chunxue Bai
08:40 Speech from APSR President Kwun Fong
08:50 Speech from IASLC CEO Fred R Hirsch
09:00 Speech from Chinese Academician Jie He
09:10 Lung Cancer in China Jie He
09:45 PD-L1 IHC assay as a predictive biomarker for immunotherapy: The Blueprint Project Fred R Hirsch
10:20 History and Progress of Lung cancer Kwun Fong
10:55 Lung Cancer in women M Patricia Rivera
11:30 Evaluation of pulmonary nodules: clinical practice consensus guidelines for Asia and Pacific countries and Regions Chunxue Bai
12:05 Lunch
13:30 Lung cancer Biomarkers for early detection Charles A Powell
14:05 Clinical application of auto fluorescence Bronchoscopy and narrowband Bronchoscopy Jiayuan Sun
14:40 Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules with Electromagnetic navigation Rex Yung
15:15 Guided bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodule Rex Yung
15:50 Dancing to Michael Jackson – How Alibaba might revolutionize Health Care Christoph Thümmler
16:25 Close

Chunxue Bai

Chairman of Chinese Alliance Against Lung Cancer
Professor of Fudan University

Kwun Fong

Professor, Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital
Professor, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Australia

Jie He

President of Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Fred R Hirsch

Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Pia
Endowed Chair University of Colorado Cancer Center
CEO, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)

Charles A Powell

Janice and Coleman Rabin Professor of Medicine, System Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Professor of Medicine, National Jewish Health

M Patricia Rivera

Professor of Medicine University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (UNC)
Chair of the ATS Thoracic Oncology Assembly
Vice-chair of the ACCP Thoracic Oncology Network

Jiayuan Sun

Director of Endoscopy Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Christoph Thümmler

Edinburgh Napier University

Rex Yung

Professor of Johns Hopkins University, USA

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