AboutAssemblies & Sections
APSR Paediatric Lung Disease Assembly
Meet the Assembly

Anne Goh

Daniel Kwok Keung Ng

Oon Hoe Teoh
Deputy Head
What do we do?
The Paediatric Lung Disease Assembly aims to be the platform for paediatric pulmonologists to share knowledge and research in childhood respiratory diseases. The Assembly also aims to provide training and education opportunities for young doctors training in pulmonology.
The Paediatric Lung Disease Assembly covers all areas of childhood respiratory disorders. This includes both respiratory infections and their sequelae as well as non-communicable diseases such as allergic diseases, asthma and allergic rhinitis, congenital lung diseases, interstitial lung diseases, respiratory involvement of systemic disorders and sleep disordered breathing.
Areas of interest to be promoted by this assembly include:
- Lung function tests: spirometry, forced oscillation test, body plethysmography, various challenge tests (e.g. methacholine; mannitol) to infant lung function test
- Cardiopulmonary exercise test
- Various radiological imaging tests and its interpretation
- Bronchoscopy
- Sleep study from overnight oximetry to attended polysomnography
- Original research to enhance management of respiratory diseases and promotion of respiratory health relevant to the Asia-Pacific area
The Assembly also hopes to develop more training programs for members in the area to improve the standards of paediatric pulmonology in the region especially in the developing countries in this region.
Who should join
Membership of the Assembly includes paediatric pulmonologists, general paediatricians with an interest in respiratory medicine and health care professionals who are interested in the field of paediatric lung disease.
The Assembly welcomes members who are keen to develop closer collaborations between paediatric pulmonologists within the Asia-Pacific region in all aspects of paediatric lung diseases. Junior members who are keen to develop their skills should also join the Assembly.
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